Fully take advantage of 1-888-GO-ANSWER!'s free trial

It's great to meet you! At 1-888-GO-ANSWER! we provide all new customers will a 14-day trial period to let you better understand our service without any commitment. To fully take advantage of what 1-888-GO-ANSWER! has to offer we recommend placing test calls to see if we are a good fit for your business. As long as you have a low call volume, trial calls are a great way for you to hear what your customers will hear when they call our answering service. So, follow these tips to get the most out of your minutes!

Call us as a customer to test if 1-888-GO-ANSWER! is the perfect choice!

Tips for Placing a trial call:

  • Make sure that your company's name was pronounced properly. (Consider spelling your companies name phonetically in the script)
  • Make sure the receptionists are familiar with your company and your message. (The more FAQs you include in your account, the more knowledgeable and helpful your receptionists will be)
  • Is the script provided successful? (If the script provided lacks information, our receptionists may become puzzled. Avoid this, by adding more directions in your script, allowing receptionists to solve any issue a customer may have.
  • Are we transferring calls to the right people, at the right time? (Make sure we are patching calls at the appropriate time and to the appropriate people)
  • Is our appointment scheduling effective? (Does 1-888-GO-ANSWER! provide you with notifications fast and efficiently? Have dates and times been recorded correctly?)
  • Do you need to alter your script to avoid overage? (Make sure your script isn't too long. If the script is too long, there is a greater chance you will accumulate minutes in overage.

If you have any more questions regarding our 14-day free trial or you would like to sign up, Please contact us at 1-888-GO-ANSWER (462-6793) or hello@1888goanswer.com

Last modified: December 30, 1979